3 Mindset Shifts for Creative Success

Yoga instructor and all-around creative Melissa Ng shares 3 mindset shifts that transformed her illustration journey.

Choosing a creative path is not always easy. And at some level, every experience on your creative journey boils down to your interpretation of it. In fact, some say that...

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Under the Moonlight with Illustrator/Author Susannah Crispe

I've had the pleasure of spending time with Susannah during my Animal Character Design Course and my most recent Picture Book Illustration e-Course. Susannah's illustrations are standout and full of clever ideas, so I was interested to hear why she decided to take part in...

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The Art of Cher Hart: Sharing Her Illustration Journey

My name is Cher Hart and I live in inland southeastern Australia with my husband and our quirky black rescue greyhound, Connie. When I’m not illustrating, I make maps for grown-ups and wrangle environmental spatial data.

If I were to describe my illustration style, I would say…...

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Exploring Picture Book Illustration and Mexico with illustrator Merri Nielsen

My name is Merri Nielsen and I am from Spokane, Washington in the United States. In September of 2021, my husband and I decided that we wanted to travel. He retired after a 30-year career in the fire department and I hung up my stethoscope as a registered nurse and we hit the road. We are...

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Picture Book Illustration and Dancing Pandas with Vanessa Valentino

Hi, I’m Vanessa Valentino…

I was born in Frankfurt to a mother from Hong Kong and a father from America, grew up in Beijing, and now live in Malaysia. These days when I’m not illustrating, I’m dreaming of snow and pretending I’m hiking the Alps on a crisp winter...

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As my gift to you, here is my character design mini-course. All I need to know is where to send it. Valued at $20, it is 100% free. No credit card is required. You will also receive Nina news – I love to share, but not too often, not too much, and always in support of your creative journey. And you can unsubscribe at any time.